Kids Love to Learn New Things- All They Need Is A Good Start!

Play contributes to the physical, cognitive, emotional as well as social well-being of the children and hence it won’t be incorrect to say that it is an essential activity. Interactive offers parents to engage fully and spend quality time with their kids. But in today’s busy schedule, parents hardly find enough time to engage the kids in interactive play. Changes in the Family structure, hurried lifestyle amalgamated with increased attention to academics has given rise to the popularity of play school in Indore and other major cities. Playschools have emerged as an important element that brings along an environment where kids can enjoy playing and learning at the same time. Why Play is Important & How Playschools Serves the Purpose? Play is a medium where children are given a chance to use their creativity skills while developing emotional, social, dexterity, imagination and cognitive strength. Play in a constructive manner helps in healthy brain development and th...